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Bitter Sweet Love (Michael Faudet) de Michael Faudet

Descripción - Reseña del editor Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of Dirty Pretty Things, a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards. Michael Faudet's whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world. He paints vivid pictures with intricate words and explores the compelling themes of love, loss, relationships, and sex. All beautifully captured in poetry, prose, quotes, and little short stories. * DIRTY PRETTY THINGS sold 40,000 copies in one year in the US * DIRTY PRETTY THINGS spent 66 weeks and counting on Bookscan Poetry Bestseller List and B&N Poetry Bestseller List in the US * Number 1 Bestseller in Love Poems on * Michael Faudet is the long-time partner of Lang Leav * Michael Faudet has 77,000 Instagram followers, 43,000 Twitter followers and 305,000 Facebook fans. Nota de la solapa Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of Dirty Pretty Things, a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards.Michael Faudet's whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world. He paints vivid pictures with intricate words and explores the compelling themes of love, loss, relationships, and sex. All beautifully captured in poetry, prose, quotes, and little short stories. Contraportada Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of Dirty Pretty Things, a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards.Michael Faudet's whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world. He paints vivid pictures with intricate words and explores the compelling themes of love, loss, relationships, and sex. All beautifully captured in poetry, prose, quotes, and little short stories. Biografía del autor Michael Faudet is the author of the international bestsellers, Dirty Pretty Things, Bitter Sweet Love, and Smoke & Mirrors. His poetic and often sensual writing continues to attract readers from all around the world. His books have been nominated in the Goodreads Choice Awards for Best Poetry. Dirty Pretty Things was selected by Sylvia Whitman, the owner of the iconic Shakespeare & Company bookstore in Paris, as one of her personal favorite books of 2016. He currently has over a million followers across his official Facebook, Twitter, and Instagram accounts. Before turning his hand to writing books, Michael enjoyed a long career in advertising, as an award-winning Executive Creative Director. Working in New Zealand, Australia, the United States, and Asia. Michael is represented by literary agency, Writers House, New York. He currently lives in New Zealand in a little house by the sea with girlfriend and author, Lang Leav.

Detalles del Libro

  • Name: Bitter Sweet Love (Michael Faudet)
  • Autor: Michael Faudet
  • Categoria: Libros,Literatura y ficción,Poesía
  • Tamaño del archivo: 17 MB
  • Tipos de archivo: PDF Document
  • Descargada: 637 times
  • Idioma: Español
  • Archivos de estado: AVAILABLE

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Bitter Sweet Love (Michael Faudet) PDF ~ Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of Dirty Pretty Things, a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards.Michael Faudet’s whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds

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Bitter Sweet Love : Michael Faudet : 9781449481018 ~ Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of Dirty Pretty Things, a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards. Michael Faudet's whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world.

Bitter Sweet Love, Volume 2: Faudet, Michael: ~ Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of Dirty Pretty Things, a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards. Michael Faudet's whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world.

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Bitter Sweet Love by Michael Faudet - Goodreads ~ Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of "Dirty Pretty Things," a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards. Michael Faudet's whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world.

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Bitter Sweet Love by Michael Faudet at Abbey's Bookshop ~ Available in: Paperback. Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of Dirty Pretty Things, a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards.

Bitter Sweet Love (Volume 2) (Michael Faudet): .co ~ Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of Dirty Pretty Things, a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards. Michael Faudet’s whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world.

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Bitter Sweet Love by Michael Faudet: 9780593213438 ~ About Bitter Sweet Love. Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of Dirty Pretty Things, a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards. Michael Faudet’s whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world.

Bitter Sweet Love, Book by Michael Faudet (Paperback ~ Bitter Sweet Love is the much-anticipated second collection of internationally best-selling poet Michael Faudet, author of Dirty Pretty Things, a finalist in the 2015 Goodreads Readers Choice Awards. Michael Faudet’s whimsical and often erotic writing has captured the hearts and minds of literally thousands of readers from around the world.

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85 mejores imágenes de Quotes en 2020 / Palabras, Frases ~ 20 'Bitter Sweet Love' Quotes & Sexy Poems By Instagram Poet, Michael Faudet Michael Faudet is a viral Instagram poet whose words are seductive, intoxicating, and completely SWOON-worthy. Faudet shared with us some insight on his life, writing process, and current projects he is working on!